About the Author

A former newspaper correspondent and managing editor for a number of magazines in Singapore, David Miller has written several commercial books over the years.

His first novel Year of the Tiger was published by a commercial entity in August 2012. The novel was revised and released again by DM BOOKS in 2021. Advent was his second novel published in June 2013. Agenda - the third and final installment in the trilogy will be published in 2022.

In 2014 he published two non-fiction books. Bahau, the Elephant & the Ham recounts a true family story about a group of civilians trying to survive in a tiny farming commune in the Malayan jungle during World War II. DutyBound tells of the little-known exploits of a police inspector in Singapore during the war years.

In 2017 he assisted fellow author Eleanor Nunis publish her book Unsung Heroes.

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